Plone Foundation Board Minutes July 6, 2023

Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC


Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland

Excused: Kim Paulissen


Minutes from meeting of 22 June 2023

The minutes were reviewed and corrected. Jens Klein moved to accept the minutes as revised, and Erico Andrei seconded.

Passed unanimously, with abstentions from Martin Peeters and T. Kim Nguyen (who had been absent).

Action Items

Budget letter - Continued business, still in development

Reviewing Plone domains - Continued business

Incoming correspondence

Plone board inquiry: a membership candidate inquired about the membership application process.

Continued Business

Erico message about budget - The budget message is still being developed

Wide-ranging discussion of Plone conference 2024, board, and governance

[Executive Session]

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - No updates but we expect some by next meeting.

Plone Conference 2023

Sprint and training venues have been identified - register early !

Conference sponsors welcome ! Many thanks to those who are now sponsors, and to CodeSyntax, the hard working organizers of this event.


[ Executive Session ]

We continue to get new sponsors through GitHub, and we are working on making adjustments to the front page for better display of our sponsors.

We expect to begin a campaign for new Foundation members and sponsorships in August. Ours might get lost in the noise of so many other donation campaigns in December.

Contributor Agreement Digitization

Paul continues to work on improving the signing platform performance.

Zope Foundation funds

We are in contact with Charitable Allies, which specializes in non-profit legal issues. William Fennie and T. Kim Nguyen are scheduled to meet with an attorney. Thanks to former Plone board member Carol Ganz of Six Feet Up for the reference.

Review Ongoing

cookiecutter - now has a new release. Thank you Jens and Erico

Two sprints in late-June -

Cerrado sprint organized by PloneGov-Br had 30 people plus 20 on Discord, and others; releases of Plone distribution and some add-ons. Thanks to Electoral Justice, Brazil.

University of Jyväskylä - Finland - held its second mid-summer sprint : 10 participants from 4 countries, 2 new-to-Plone developers - worked on Plone 6, hyperautomation, acceptance testing, etc., etc.

ChatGPT responses on Plone Community forum - we will make clear in the forum that we do not welcome ChatGPT-generated responses.

Developer training - Eric Steele is expected to make an announcement about a new opportunity in late July.


T. Kim Nguyen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 19:55 UTC