Plone Foundation Board Minutes December 14, 2023
The meeting started at 20:00 UTC.
Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Mikel Larreategi, Guido Stevens, Éric Bréhault
Excused: Paul Roeland
Approval of the minutes of November 30th
Mikel Larreategi moves to approve the minutes, Eric Bréhault seconds.Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Mikel Larreategi, Guido Stevens, Éric Bréhault in favor.
Kim Paulissen abstained because she was not present at the meeting.
Check if action items were followed up
- Give access to 1password to all Plone Board members - Paul Roeland: no update.
- Work on budget - Martin & Paul: see continued business.
- Follow up on Framework team - Mikel Larreategi: no update.
- Prepare a news item for board priorities - Brian Davis will work on it tomorrow.
- Contact People about Zope Foundation funds - Martin Peeters: in progress
Incoming correspondence
New Business
No new business
Continued Business
- Plone Conference 2024: first meeting last week. The team is progressing well. The objective is to offer a very low price for the conference, and to have a lot of sponsors. They are discussing the venue and the website will be launched soon.
- Sponsorship program: no update
- Priorities for 2024: Kim Paulissen moves to approve the priorities, Martin Peeters seconds. All in favor.
The Board priorities for 2024 are approved. - Budget for 2024:
In 2024, the Foundation plans to invest to promote Plone. It is reflected into the budgets assigned for marketing and for sprints. It results in a significant deficit.
Eric Bréhault moves to approve the budget, Guido Stevens seconds. All in favor.
The budget for 2024 is approved. - Membership Committee renewal: no update.
- Zope Foundation Funds
Kim Paulissen moves to adjourn, Brian Davis seconds. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 20:57 UTC.