Plone Foundation Board Minutes April 26, 2023

This meeting was live-streamed as part of World Plone Day. Comments were made as the meeting progressed to explain a bit about how the board works and its role in the Plone Community.

Meeting called to order at 19:00 UTC


Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters

Excused: Paul Roeland


Minutes from meeting of 13 March 2023

The minutes were reviewed and corrected. Kim Paulissen moved to accept the minutes as revised, and T. Kim Nguyen seconded.

Passed unanimously.

Action Items

Budget letter - Continuing business

Incoming correspondence

Nothing of interest

New Business

World Plone Day

We are discussing World Plone Day - livestreaming - on World Plone Day !

A report from Marketing Team lead Rikupekka Oksanen :

  • 57 talks
  • 20 hours of new content
  • 60+ speakers
  • 15 countries
  • 7 languages

2 larger live events

  • World Plone Day Italy
    • Organized by Red Turtle
    • 2.5 hours
    • 154 viewers (36 on average)
  • World Plone Day Brasília
    • Organized by the PloneGov-BR community
    • 3 hours of talks
    • 206 viewers (47 viewers peak and 32 on average)
    • Highlights:
      • Interview with Alexander Limi and Luciano Ramalho (Content in English)
      • 65 million unique visitors per month on the main Brazilian government site;
      • The Brazilian post office uses Plone for the public and internal sites;

Other highlights:

  • T. Kim Nguyen brought back the Plone Podcast, interviewing Jean Jordan, reminiscing about keeping communications open in the community and passing on its culture. Season 3, Episode 1
  • Fred van Dijk and Philip Bauer presented a special edition of The Plone Newsroom (both in English and in German)

Many, many T H A N K S to Rikupekka, Talya, Fred, Brian, Sally, Erico, Martin, and everyone else who made this year's World Plone Day a success.

Continuing Business

Erico message about budget - The budget message is still being developed - to be reported on next meeting

Knowledge-base solution for the Foundation and Plone teams

[ Executive Session ]

The last board meeting approved pilot project for Quaive; Syslab has set up the instance; the AI team will set up domains and start usage.

About Executive Sessions : For the live audience following the conversation, T.Kim Nguyen explained that we use Executive Sessions to speak freely with each other on any topic before stating the board opinion for the record.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC)

Paul Roeland being absent we will wait for the next meeting for a report. Things look promising.

Plone Conference 2023

The conference team made a brilliant short video for World Plone Day.

The conference team has worked out sponsoring agreements with the Eibar local and regional governments. Kim Paulissen is contacting trainers for the pre-conference sessions. Certain elements of the ticketing and enrollment workflows are still in development. Conference sponsors welcome !

[ Executive Session ]


T. Kim Nguyen has produced a first draft of a report; further work was delayed due to commitments to other projects; one goal is to have all Plone service providers be listed on as sponsors. Companies sponsor through the Foundation. Individuals can sponsor easily via this Github sponsorship link.

The Beethoven Sprint will take place at the kitconcept office in Bonn, Germany, on May 15-19. Plans are to work on advances toward the release of Plone 6.1 and 7.0. See the sprint page.

Contributor Agreement Digitization - Paul is working on an issue with the signing platform. We are looking at alternative signing tools. The aim is to make signing the agreements as transparent and easy as possible. These agreements are essential to ensuring the Foundation's legal rights to code contributions.

Zope Foundation funds - Thank you to Matthew Wilkes for his guidance on navigating this issue. We are still considering the best approach for completing this process.

[ Executive Session ]

Review Ongoing

World Plone Day - The Brasilian Plone group snagged an interview with Alexander Limi, much to the chagrin of Plone Podcast maven T. Kim Nguyen; fortunately word is that Limi will make some time for a Plone Podcast appearance as well.

Github repositories are almost all unified with specific styles. This project began at the Alpine City sprint earlier this year. Most of the cool things about Plone either get started - or get finished - at a sprint !

Plone Foundation - is always looking for new members.

Plone Board - Nominations for new Foundation Board members are opened two weeks before the annual membership meeting at the time of the Plone Conference. You don't have to be a member of the Plone Foundation to serve on the Board; in fact, becoming a board member is a great way to become a Foundation member.

Success stories - Let us - and the world - know about your excellent solution using Plone. You can do so on If English is not your native language there are helpers who can craft the perfect story with you.

Exhibit A - One of the newest Plone sites :

Sprints - a Zope sprint is being planned for September; and there will be a sprint at the Conference, of course.

We would like to encourage a sprint outside of Europe - Africa, S.America, Asia - that would be a strategic sprint

Organizing a sprint does not have to be a big deal : Basically, you need a place to go that has good internet access, a projector / monitor, and - people ! It's a matter of talking to people beforehand and being prepared to give directions.


Kim Paulissen moved and T. Kim Nguyen seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 20:00 UTC