Plone Foundation Board Minutes August 3, 2023
Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC
Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland
Absent: Jens Klein
Minutes from meeting of 6 July 2023
The minutes were reviewed and corrected. Martin Peeters moved to accept the minutes as revised, and T.Kim Nguyen seconded.
Passed unanimously.
There was no meeting on July 20.
Action Items
Budget letter - Continued business, still in development
Reviewing Plone domains - Continued business
Sponsorship drive - Continued business
Review of Python Software Foundation Bylaws - New business
Incoming correspondence
Laura Stephens re Plone Conference sponsorship - T. Kim Nguyen responded; Six Feet Up are sponsoring the conference.
New Business
Plone Foundation Bylaws
[Executive Session]
A proposal will be prepared for Foundation members explaining the rationale for a change to the bylaws; Paul Roeland will draft. This relates to the term-of-office for Board members and a regime of rotating terms so that only a portion of the board comes up for a vote in a given year.
Continued Business
Erico message about budget - The budget message is still being developed.
Plone domains
[Executive Session]
There remain one or two open issues of the Plone domain name and / or trademark needing resolution. Martin Peeters is working on this.
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - The project is going well. All projects passed the first test. The board will take up the question of how to fund students for attendance at a Plone conference during the next meeting. International travel restrictions are posing challenges to our process.
Plone Conference 2023 - The preliminary training schedule will be posted shortly; early-bird pricing is over now, and a special pricing regime for the global south is in place.
Conference sponsors welcome ! Many thanks to those who are now sponsors, and to CodeSyntax, the hard working organizers of this event.
[ Executive Session ]
We are working on making adjustments to the front page for better display of our sponsors. T. Kim Nguyen is working on a sponsorship drive.
Contributor Agreement Digitization
Paul Roeland continues to work on the finding the right platform, including hosted or self-hosted options.
Zope Foundation funds
Progress continues on this effort, albeit at a snail's pace. William Fennie is working with Matt Wilkes to get to the next step.
Review Ongoing
Many thanks to Eric Steele for coordinating / overseeing the Steering Circle efforts.
Marketing - A membership form is under development; an email message will direct those who wish to become members.
We encourage all users, as well as developers, to submit content for
The marketing team is working on a revamped Plone Tuneup - a regular meet up to wrangle and resolve issues.
William Fennie moved and Martin Peeters seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 20:08 UTC