Plone Foundation Board Minutes September 29, 2022
Meeting called to order at 19:04 UTC
Present: William Fennie, Érico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Jens Klein, Kim Paulissen
Approval of the minutes of September 15, 2022
Kim moved to approve, Andy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
Zope Domains
- nothing new
- domains will remain active until May 2023
- Sponsorship
Renewal Cycle
- Andy will provide background information for a message
Incoming Correspondence
- PyCon Ghana
- OpenSource Week funding request
- [Executive Session]
- Paul will get in touch with Tito
New Business
Event Funding Request
- RedTurtle - OpenSource Week 2022
- Marketing approved the funding request for this
Membership Committee Recommendations
- Paul moves, Kim seconds
- Andy moves, William seconds
- Kim moves, Victor seconds
- Kim moves, Erico seconds
- All unanimously approved!
Continued Business
Renewal cycle
- Tell your friends to renew their Plone Membership, its easy! Andy will continue to send emails reminding the community to do so.
Annual Meeting Prep
- Paul and Erico will work on preparing the documents
Nominate yourself for the Plone Board of Directors!
- discussion on the role of the board
- this can be an open space at the conference
Plone Conference
everything is going according to plan!
- schedule
- registrations
- french track
free online tickets for conference stream (youtube)
- an email will be sent a week before the conference
- training are well attended
Plone Foundation Census
- responses are trickling in
Sponsorship Program
- likely the discussion will continue at the conference
- Thank you, Paul Roeland, our newest sponsor on GitHub!
Contributor Agreement Digitization
- Andy will continue to work on it
Zope Foundation
William is continuing efforts
- the best effort with documentation first and approaching the bank again
- the Board is considering hiring a lawyer
Review Ongoing
Plone Brazil
- Plone Symposium South America
- Nov 8 in Brasilia
- [Executive Session]
Kim moved to adjourn, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:14 UTC