Plone Foundation Board Minutes September 15, 2022

Meeting called to order at 19:05 UTC



Present:William Fennie, Érico Andrei, Paul Roeland,  Andy Leeb, Víctor Fernández de Alba 

Absent:Jens Klein (excused), Kim Paulissen

Approval of the minutes of September 01, 2022

William moved to approve, Andy seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • Sponsorship position

    • still in progress
  • Reach out to potential board members
  • Malinglist migration completed

    • Thank you Andy!

Incoming Correspondence

  • None

New Business

  • Renewal cycle
  • Annual meeting prep

    • 16:00 (CEST) on Friday, October 14th 2022
    • Board Dinner scheduled for Oct 12

      • usual cast of characters are invited
  • [Executive Session]

Continued Business

  • Plone Conf 2022

    • English and French tracks
    • registration continues
    • Flyer in the swag bag?

      • sponsorship info via github
      • Foundation membership info
    • Sponsorship/Membership badge for your conference tag?
  • Plone Foundation Census

    • more responses would be welcomed
  • Sponsorship program

    • continuing
  • Contributor agreement digitization

    • ongoing
  • Zope Foundation funds

    • ongoing

Review Ongoing

  • Plone 6
  • Membership Committee

    • potential members have been identified

Andy moved to adjourn, William seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 19:55 UTC