Plone Foundation Board Minutes October 27, 2022

Meeting called to order at 19:05 CET


Present : Érico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters

Excused : Paul Roeland


Approval of 29 September minutes

Kim Paulissen moved to approve; Jens Klein seconded
Approved with abstention by T. Kim Nguyen

Approval of the Plone Foundation Annual Membership Minutes

T. Kim Nguyen moved to approve the minutes; Kim Paulissen seconded
Unanimously approved

New Business

Selection of Officers

T. Kim Nguyen moved that Érico Andrei be elected by acclamation; Kim Paulissen seconded
Unanimously approved

During discussion of this item it was suggested that a two-term limit is optimal for people serving in the role of President. We would like the guideline to be two terms. The board will return to this question at a later meeting. It was also noted that talking to people about board membership and the benefits of such service is an important part of being a board member.

Vice President
William Fennie moved and Martin Peeters seconded that Kim Paulissen be elected Vice President by acclamation.
Unanimously approved

Jens Klein moved and Érico seconded that William Fennie be elected Secretary by acclamation.
Unanimously approved

Confirmation of Treasurer
T. Kim Nguyen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that Beth Smith be confirmed to continue in the role of Treasurer for the coming year.
Unanimously approved

Thank you Beth for providing this most important support for the Plone Foundation !

Marketing team chair
Kim Paulissen moved and Jens Klein seconded that Rikupekka Oksanen continue as Marketing Team Chair
Unanimously approved

Membership committee chair
Jens Klein moved and T. Kim Nguyen seconded that Victor Férnandez de Alba continue as Membership Committee Chair
Unanimously approved


Marketing Committee
Kim Paulissen moved and Érico Andrei seconded that Martin Peeters act as the board liaison from the Marketing team
Approved with abstention from Martin Peeters

Membership Committee
Jens Klein moved and William Fennie seconded that Kim Paulissen act as board liaison from the Membership Committee
Unanimously approved

Kim Paulissen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that Jens Klein act as board liaison from the Security team
Unanimously approved

Sponsorship Coordinator
Kim Paulissen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that T. Kim Nguyen act as coordinator for sponsorships
Unanimously approved

Plone Conference 2022 report

Rikupekka wrote up an excellent news item

Martin Peeters gave a brief overview for the meeting :

  • over 200 people in person; 130 online tickets; no major issues
  • great to see everyone in person after three long years

A great Thank You to IMIO, Affinitic, Joël, Martin, and their teams for organizing an event that surpassed expectations

Plone Conference 2023

Will be a standing item from the next meeting forward.

Priorities for 2023

Board members are collaborating on a document to outline priorities

Community management

[Executive Session]

This topic will be included as a continuing business item

Continued Business

Plone Foundation Census - currently does not reflect the size of the community

Contact now is primarily through email - should be expanded to other modes

Contributor agreement - Paul Roeland is working on this

Zope Foundation funds

tabled for next meeting


6-10 February - Alpine City Sprint approved
"Plone in the sky with diamonds"


William Fennie moved and Jens Klein seconded that the meeting be adjourned
Unanimously approved

Meeting ended at 20:36 CET.