Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 23, 2022
Meeting called to order at 20:00 UTC
Present: Érico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland
Minutes from meeting of 10 November 2022
The minutes were reviewed and some corrections made. T. Kim Nguyen moved and Kim Paulissen seconded that the minutes be accepted as corrected.
Unanimously approved
New board members are getting access to various systems.
T. Kim Nguyen has begun working on a form for GDPR requirements; he will report on this as it is developed.
Discord rules are still being developed.
Continuing Business
After discussion it was decided that Eric Steele's title will be "Community Coordinator".
We need an explanation about the role of the new Steering Circle: Jens Klein will work with Paul Roeland with a goal of getting a review version by the week of November 28.
The marketing budget is still being developed. Google AdSense is an option for promotion. We will begin by developing marketing materials for Plone 6 and move into a series of AdSense trials.
Targeting for regional needs is an important factor; a Plone 6 logo needs to be worked up. This will be reviewed next meeting.
Board priorities
Role of the Plone Foundation
Role of board
Why being a member matters
- members to propose new members
- make it easier to join
- redefine to include long-time Plone users, others
Expand what the board should be
New Steering Circle
- leverage and renew subcommunities (e.g., .gov, .edu)
- Improve and enhance ? and marketing positioning
- Create relationship with Plone providers
- Nurture new participation in community
- Contributor Agreement modernization
T. Kim Nguyen and Kim Paulissen draft document accepted
unanimous approval
T. Kim Nguyen will draft, William Fennie will review; edit on first, review.
Sponsorship program
T. Kim Nguyen will review current set of invoices; send a personal message to each sponsor. He will get a sense of current use cases and build up the list.
Contributor agreement digitization
Paul Roland is working on this and should have an update on background work for the next meeting. The idea is to develop this in the context of Plone 6.
Zope Foundation Funds
No action has been taken during this period. William Fennie will forward the latest summation(s) to the board, including the new members.
Review ongoing
Alpine City Sprint
- 18 participants / 20 seats - up to 25 available
- It is expected that one of the team leads will ask for funding for a strategic sprint
Next Plone Conference
- The 2023 team has been added to conference channels
- Checking locations / hotels
- Will contact board when potential agreements are ready for review
Plone Symposium South America - report
- 16 on site
- 106 viewers on YouTube
- 161 on Twitter
- 7 talks plus one open space
- Brasil post office is a huge plone install, developed by their own team
- Good vibes
- People excited about Plone 6
Python conference
Call for papers - the board encourages Plone developers to give talks
Kim Paulissen moved and Paul Roeland seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:03 UTC