Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 10, 2022
Meeting called to order at 20:00 UTC
Present : Érico Andrei, William Fennie, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland
Excused : Jens Klein
Approval of October 27 minutes
Kim Paulissen moved to approve; Martin Peeters seconded
Approved unanimously
Action Items follow up
Zope domains - Paul has reached out and expects follow up.
It was suggested that this item be removed from the Action Items and delegated to the AI team
Unanimous agreement
Tito ticketing system
[Executive Session]
The board is not happy with the Tito system and another system needs to be found.
Incoming Correspondence
- Odoo Open Source solutions
- GDPR and erasing data
- Discord
[Executive Session]
Odoo - An object lesson; avoid allowing the perception that there is one big company behind Plone
GDPR - Form is needed to formalize requests to have data removed from our systems. T. Kim Nguyen will work with Paul Roeland to develop. This also will be delegated to AI team
New Business
New Steering Circle - [Executive Session]
Recommend Eric Steele act as "chief cat-herder" among various teams - not the same as Steering Circle
A reminder that stipends are provided for the Release Manager for Plone (Maurits), Marketing Manager (Rikupekka), and the role that Eric will now play. These are usually used to support travel to certain events.
Plone Discord Rules
[Executive Session]
T. Kim Nguyen will develop a proposal to cover how we will manage the Plone presence in various channels.
Official Plone presence in Mastodon / Fosstodon is not accepting new customers, which is too bad because it would relieve us from the responsibility of managing the server
The Plone domain will be
Fred van Dijk is creating a server for Plone. We are registered there now as Cost is $12.99 for the first year.
Budget 2022-23
Paul will help develop budget for presentation at next meeting
Reminder that marketing manages their own budget
Budget estimates represent a plan; money is not being spent. With in-person events more could be spent
Review priorities for 2022
A look at last year's priorities and how we executed against them. This review will be useful to prepare for the conference every year.
Contributor agreement
Didn't happen
Nurturing new talent
- Martin is here
- New people in marketing
Problem with too few people handling a lot of tasks, but -
It's moving
Improvements in documentation
great strides
Hybrid model - successful; also World Plone Day
Expanding Plone audience beyond developers
needs work
Priorities for 2022–2023
Action: Consolidate the priorities document
Next board meeting - vote, approve, push
Continuing business
Zope Foundation funds - no movement
Sponsorship - T. Kim - Fulvio corrected invoicing address for Agile Coach to pay sponsorship amount; needs notes from Fulvio; will proceed using sponsor database in
Contributor agreement digitization - Paul to make sure passwords are available; will begin working on a semi-automatic process. Time available in December.
Review Ongoing
Plone Symposium South America, Brasilia - November 18, 2022
- 25 registrations
- 24 seats in the room
- Correios (Brazilian Post Office) sending 9 people
Plone 6 release date - coming soon.
William Fennie moved and T. Kim Nguyen seconded that the meeting be adjourned
Unanimously approved
Meeting ended at 21:20 UTC.