Plone Foundation Board Minutes May 12, 2022
Meeting called to order at 18:03 UTC
Present: William Fennie, Érico Andrei, Andy Leeb, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Kim Paulissen
Approval of the minutes of April 28, 2022
Kim moved to approve, William seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- still in motion
- all Plone conf trainers payment has been disbursed
- techsoup/docusign
Incoming Correspondence
CMS Garden
- Plone Foundation does not need to respond to these
- we have a representative who is on the mailing list - Thank You Maik Derstappen!
Sponsorship Request
- will route to Fulvio
- we need to find someone to fill his shoes when he steps down
Youth Pioneers STEM
- sent to marketing
New Business
Request to support other open-source projects
discussion amongst the stakeholders continues
- licensing
- how does the Foundation manage any bad behavior e.g. code of conduct violations from contributors?
- contributor agreement would not cover this project
- copyright ownership
- [Executive Session]
Continued Business
Contributor Agreement digitization
- Andy knows there's a deadline!
Zope Foundation Funds
- Erico will contact other software foundation for legal advice help
Review Ongoing
- Buschenschank sprint next week! 17 - 19 people! Wine!
- Plone Foundation Census
- Communication draft to encourage community to fill it out
- We should update sponsorship info on
- Board will discuss next meeting
- Beethoven sprint was great and everything went very amazingly well!
- A bunch of stuff is in the pipeline for Volto 16, which goes into Plone 6
- GSoC - worked with Eric B to rank proposals, Thank you Eric Brehault!
- Payment details for paying plone conf trainers
- 2022 plone conf site is up!
- Moving to Motomo from Google Analytics
Paul moved to adjourn, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:33 UTC