Plone Foundation Board Minutes March 17, 2022

Meeting called to order at 20:05 UTC



Present: William Fennie, Érico Andrei, Andy Leeb, Kim Paulissen, Víctor Fernández de Alba

Absent: Paul Roeland (excused), Jens Klein (excused)

Approval of the minutes of March 03, 2022

Victor moved to approve, Erico seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • Paul: domain
  • Paul: /
  • Jens: Zope Foundation monies
  • Érico: Plone Conference trainer's payment

    • email chain amongst board and trainers
  • Érico: TechSoup account / Docusign

    • see below

Incoming Correspondence

  • Python Web Conf

    • marketing team has this now
  • Trainers payment

    • Erico is involved with this
  • Sprint in Canary Islands

    • Thank you Nejc
  • OSI

    • [Executive Session]
  • CMS Garden

New Business

  • Plone Conference 2022

    • TKim is conference team lead - Thank you TKim!

      • had requested from 6FU Loudswarm for week of conf
      • hybrid event ideas have been discussed
      • we still want to livestream the talks
      • venue has been booked
      • next steps:

        • website
        • communications
        • announce dates
  • OSI election

    • Paul is involved with this
    • Erico will review and order for the Plone Foundation Vote

Continued Business

  • Contributor Agreement digitization

    • Erico has an account on TechSoup
    • Plone Board members will be invited to 1Password
    • Next step - subscribe to Docusign
  • Zope Foundation Funds

    • Still in motion
  • World Plone Day

    • Brazil/Brazilia will have an in person event for WPD!
    • Next week - record videos

Review Ongoing

  • Marketing meeting

    • Fantastic presentations - thank you Andrea, Massimo, ...


        • wireframes
        • mockups including fonts, element states, complete style guide
        • icons, layouts
        • implementation is a community effort
  • Volto Documentation is progressing
  • Victor - May 3 - 7 Sprint, maybe in person

    • looking at 15 - 20 people!

William moved to adjourn, Andy seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:49 UTC