Plone Foundation Board Minutes March 03, 2022
Meeting called to order at 20:05 UTC
Present: William Fennie, Érico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Kim Paulissen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of February 17, 2022
Kim moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Paul has reached out, will follow up as needed
github sponsor program
- everything has been setup - Stripe, etc
sponsorship levels need review
- maybe Marketing Team
- Fulvio maybe
Zope Foundation money
- ongoing efforts continue
plone conference trainer payments
- status
- Paul has a less expensive way to move monies domains
- ownership of these domains
Incoming Correspondence
Python Web Conference
- forwarded to Marketing Team for further action
- this has been taken care of
- AI team now gets these emails instead of Board. Thanks Erico!
discussion surrounding what the charges are actually for
- will ping AI team
New Business
Contributor Agreement digitization
Tech Soup account for DocuSign acquisition
- Erico will sign up
- Andy & Paul will be involved
Combine agreements (Zope & Plone) reword a bit in the agreement
- does not need lawyers to verify
- Still include human intervention to grant access to repos
Continued Business
GSOC application
team is working to expand ideas as needed
- one liners need a bit more detail
- we have 5ish mentors, 4 is a better number
- we will know Google's decision on March 6
Zope Foundation Funds
- still in progress
World Plone Day
- planning some round tables
small videos
- distributed community
- TikTok dancing is required
- Review Ongoing
Review Ongoing
- Plone 6 coordination
Plone Foundation Census for existing Foundation Members
small survey with basic info:
- github acct, email address, twitter, profile image
other questions like "are you working directly with Plone?"
- if there's something specific you'd like to know, reach out to Marketing Team
Andy moved to adjourn, William seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:41 UTC