Plone Foundation Board Minutes June 23, 2022

Meeting called to order at 19:05 UTC



Present: Erico Andre,  Kim Paulissen, Paul Roland, Andy Leeb, William Fennie

Absent: Victor Fernandez de Alba (excused),  Jens Klein

Approval of the minutes of June 09, 2022

Kim moved to approve, Erico seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • Paul: / /

    • will continue efforts on this
  • Paul: Sponsorship transition

    • discussions need to include others, meeting scheduled
  • William: Zope Foundation monies / Lawyer

    • Still in motion

Incoming Correspondence

  • Erasure request

    • Paul will follow up with sender
  • Plone logo and colors

    • Marketing will be involved
  • PyCon Ghana sponsorship request

    • marketing will decide
  • New Sponsorship Request

    • Thank you New Elements GmbH!

New Business

  • Planning for Plone Conference 2023

    • possible candidate
    • [Executive Session]
  • Foundation e-mail service

    • Google workspace free tier is end of lifed

      • pay for upgraded
      • non-commercial
      • Google for non-profits

        • somebody already registered Plone Foundation
        • we need to know who, this is time sensitive

          • Erico and Paul will tackle this over the weekend

Continued Business

  • Plone Conference 2022

    • Opened: 

      • Call for Papers
      • Ticket Sales
  • Plone Foundation Census

    • Good number of responses so far
  • Contributor Agreement digitization

    • Andy still working on this
  • Zope Foundation Funds

    • Correspondance

Review Ongoing

  • Paul

    • One GSoC student had to resign for legitimate reasons

      • we are sorry to see them go and wish the best for them

Andy moved to adjourn, Kim seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 19:40 UTC