Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 20, 2022
Meeting called to order at 20:04 UTC UTC
Present: Érico Andrei, William Fennie, Victor Férnandez de Alba, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Kim Paulissen, Paul Roeland
Absent: Andy Leeb, excused
Approval of the minutes of January 6, 2022
William moved the minutes be accepted; Kim seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- The Marketing budget is complete. The marketing budget will include support of non-sprint activites.
- A news item about the Plone Foundation priorities for 2022 needs to be written (william)
Incoming Correspondence
- Question about sponsorship
AWS Invoice
Needs less than $1.00 payment for something
This relates to a Known Good Set (Plone 3) on AWS that nobody can access; it can be ignored.
Or perhaps Erico can get credentials back ?
Should the board acquire the domain
Let it expire; times have changed
Jens Klein raised the question of the and domains
Plone Foundation would like to assume responsibility for those domains
Ownership at the foundation and access granted to whomever
The AI team has a role to play
New Business
- Eric Bréhault will manage the process
- Coming week need to suggest a move to concrete proposals (3-5)
- not super formal but detailed in terms of who, what, etc.
- mid-February-ish
- Feb. 7 open for forms submission - Paul has details and will manage it
- Mid-Feb need to have a page somewhere
- On the website or a Google doc
- Stronger proposals come when sensible ideas are identified
- 18-years or older, but not required to be a university student
Two actions items
GSoC news item
Fill form by Feb. 7
The board thanks Eric Bréhault for volunteering
Continued Business
News item - after this is written, post to:
Ping Fred & Philip in Newsroom
[Executive Session]
[Executive Session]
Marketing team worked on budget
Best estimate because of COVID restrictions
Foundation is not organizing Plone conference this year
Plone store - expecting small income for the year, on the order of US$400
Perhaps a bit high ? - that not used will be used elsewhere
Looking for companies that know how to do it
Marketing is looking for support from Red Turtle or others
Need to find someone who can manage ad placements
Jens or Victor write about the sprint designations:
Mega, large, small, community
Community sprints aren't really happening
Mega, large, small are more productive
Update by cutting down on number of community sprints (hasn't caught on)
Community sprints a possible asset in Brasil - qualifies as small sprint
Sprint budget for this year is best case scenario.
William moved to accept the budget; Kim seconded; motion carried.
World Plone Day
Need institutional content from the Plone Foundation
Can use video to introduce the Foundation
Avoid last year's situation of few people doing many things
Make something edible / drinkable with the Plone logo
Review Ongoing
There has been a flurry of activity on Plone Docs
Steve very active; also Katja
Soon we should have something presentable
Represents genuine forward motion
Lots of discussion to integrate current Volto docs
Hosting - If don't get open source discount we should move to our own servers.
Working well so don't stop the movement
Steve - placement of dev documentation for the Volto site ?
Value to having documentation side-by-side with the code
otherwise docs get lost
Docs need to live in one place, otherwise people won't find them - sprint
Victor mini-sprint with Philip on Blocks conversion tool
fixing things in RestAPI / Plone-volto
Plone 6 Alpha 3 will release with Plone Volto
Plone 6 classic - lots of fixes, losing requireJS dependencies
hope it's ready for Alpha 3
Paul moved that the meeting be adjourned; Victor seconded; motion unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 21:00 UTC