Plone Foundation Board Minutes December 8, 2022

The meeting began at 20:00 UTC



Present were: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland

Absent: Jens Klein

Approval of the minutes of the meeting of November 23, 2022

Kim Paulissen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that the minutes be approved

Passed unanimously

Action Items

GDPR Form: Being developed on

Discord rules: T.Kim Nguyen has created a draft governance document to cover both Discord and Discourse forum

A search will be made to identify team members to monitor and manage Community discussion platforms such as Discord, Discourse and others. One or more Board members could act as "first responders" in emergency situations but day-to-day management would rest with the team. Suggestions for the team were discussed.

Paul Roeland volunteered to act as liaison to team, to be developed.

Incoming correspondence

Letter from F. van Dijk - tabled until next meeting

New Business

Plone 6

Release date 12 Dec 2022 - (Happy Birthday, Alan Runyan !)

Plans were made for the release of Plone 6, with announcements on and every possible channel.

Traninigs and documentation are priorities for updates.

[Executive Session] on Plone 6 is really impressive. Many thanks to Philip Bauer, Fred Van Dijk, Rikupekka Oksanen, Martin Peeters - and others. It's a pleasure having you in the community.

Continuing Business

Discussion of old business is tabled until the next meeting (December 22).


William Fennie moved and Martin Peeters seconded that the meeting be adjourned

Passed unanimously

Meeting ended at 20:56 UTC