Plone Foundation Board Minutes December 22, 2022

Meeting called to order at 20:05 UTC



Present: Érico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland


Minutes from meeting of 8 December 2022

The minutes were reviewed and some corrections made. Kim Paulissen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that the minutes be accepted as corrected.

Unanimously approved

Action Items

Discord / Discourse management - covered in Continuing Business

Steering circle - covered in Continuing Business

Incoming correspondence

We received an invitation to sponsor the Python Web Conference.

New Business

Revival of the CI / CD team - per a letter from Fred Van Dijk

The board is glad to see a renewal of the CI / CD team. As a general policy it is up to the community to create such teams and the board does not participate in their management unless a problem arises.

[ Executive session ]

With regard to selecting the appropriate CI / CD tool : the decision of which tool to use rests with the CI or AI team. The board likes open source but is also pragmatic. We encourage a community-wide discussion about the issues and trust the teams and community to find the right choice.

Continuing Business

New Steering Circle

The board discussed an outline document for the new Steering Circle created by Jens Klein. Jens will polish the document and draft a news item about it, and then update the governance document on Plone . org to bring the two documents into alignment. Very large thank you to Jens for his work on this.

Community Discussion Team will be led by Steve Piercy, who has begun outreach to organize the team. A team page has been set up on the folder.

The team mandate is to manage policies to enhance communication between people. The board is committed to outreach to encourage diversity in participation on this team (and all others).

Budget for 2023

The marketing team has reviewed its numbers. The board expects to host the following categories of sprints during the coming year : 1 mega, 2 large, and 4 small.

[ Executive Session ]

The board is optimistic about funding levels and will compare the budget estimates with our regular audited books to be sure

Kim Paulissen moved and Jens Klein seconded that the 2023 budget be approved.

Passed unanimously

A news item about the budget and expected sprints may encourage others to sponsor sprints.

Priorities for 2023

T.Kim Nguyen is developing a document outlining priorities for the year that will be reviewed at the next meeting and we expect to create a news item to report to the community.

Sponsorship program

T. Kim Nguyen continues to work on communication with sponsors; he is updated the invoice template and also taking the opportunity to reach out to sponsors for their success stories.

Contributor agreement digitization

Paul Roeland is working on this. It is being developed in the context of Plone 6 and should be ready some time in February 2023.

Zope Foundation Funds

Summaries have been circulated and discussion is scheduled for the next meeting.

Plone . org moved to Plone 6

A newly updated website was released the same day as Plone 6 - December 12, 2022, and communications were undertaken in all quarters on December 19. Response on social media has been robust, with praise for the new design.

Thank yous cannot go deep enough or far enough, but we will begin with Maurits Van Rees for cat-herding, organizing, and an "insane amount of work." Rikupekka Oksanen led the marketing effort which included contributions from the whole marketing team. Everyone on each of the teams put in fabulous efforts, with special mention for Victor Fernández de Alba, and Philip Bauer for their invaluable technical support.

We especially appreciate the design work that RedTurtle's team put in for the new look and feel of the new

Review ongoing

Screencasts - Kim Paulissen is working on screencasts for training and documentation. These will be uploaded to the marketing and collaboration folder

AI Team has set up a new cluster for Plone sites, now to include the conference website; deployed using Github Actions.


Kim Paulissen moved and Jens Klein seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:23 UTC