Plone Foundation Annual Membership Minutes October 14, 2022
Meeting called to order at 14:02 UTC
Present: Érico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Jens Klein, Kim Paulissen
Absent: William Fennie
Board Business 2021 - 2022
- Board Members Introductions
- Jens - Security liaison
- Victor - Volto
- William - Marketing
- communication
- gatherings
- documentation/marketing
- new participation
- contributor agreement digitization
Membership Committee
- new members
- committee members
- what does it mean to be a member
New Foundation Members
- 10
New Contributors
- 43
Plone Events
- Two strategic sprints
- 1 Annual Plone Conf :)
- The Board Supports sprints and events!
Evangelism & Outreach
- Open Source Week
- Python Web Conf
- CMS Garden
Other initiatives
- The Plone Podcast
- Plone Newsroom
- Other video series
- transition to T Kim Nguyen
list of sponsors
- Thank you all for your support!
Plone Foundation Heros
- individuals who contribute to Plone
- GitHub sponsorship is the best way to get your name on the list!
2022 - 2033 Board
Seven nominations
- Érico Andrei
- Jens Klein
- Kim Paulissen
- Martin Peeters
- Paul Roeland
- T. Kim Nguyen
- William Fennie
The New Board is unanimous
- William absent
Érico moved to adjourn, Alessandro seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 14:27 UTC