Plone Foundation Board Minutes Sept 2, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Andy Leeb, Paul Roeland, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Absent: Jens Klein (Excused)
Approval of the minutes of August 19, 2021
Erico moved to approve, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Renewal cycle
Incoming Correspondence
- Google Voice - Chrissy saved our number
German National Library of Science and Technology would like to access our videos
- Paul is involved with granting access
- OSI site has most recent version of ZPL
New Business
New Members to approve
- Cléber Santos
- Steve Piercy
- Both Unanimously Approved!!!
- Andy will let them know
- Paul will add them to our mailing lists
- [Executive Session]
- Andrea and Nicola are leading the PLOG organization effort!
Continued Business
Plone Conference
- Chrissy will give a keynote
Looking for someone for the remote culture keynote
- various candidates merits discussed
- Board Members will contact potentials
- Timo will give a keynote
Going well, can do better
- 19 registrations so far
- Renewal Cycle
Review Ongoing
Docs Team Meeting
- Plone 6 documentation progress
Plone 6/Volto/Classic needs to be teased out
Likely will need a week long sprint
- Location, Dates and Attendees have been decided!
Erico moved to adjourn, William seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:41 UTC