Plone Foundation Board Minutes Sept 16, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Andy Leeb, Paul Roeland, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of Sept 2, 2021
Paul moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
Incoming Correspondence
Sorrento Fanzone Event Funding Request
2 separate things here
- funding for training
- funding for strategic sprint
Funding to help team leads get to Plone Conference Fanzone
motion to make Plone Conference Fanzone strategic
- Victor suggests on behalf of the Volto team to make it strategic
- Andy motions, Chrissy seconds - Unanimously Approved
Funding amount increased due to size and significance:
- Andy motions $8000, Jens seconds - Unanimously Approved
Historically, Board does not manage how the money is spent
- funds can't be used for alcohol though
- [Executive Session]
- Trainers:
- equitable compensation for both remote and on-prem
Jens motions to compensate up to $300 to trainers who provide a training, William seconds
one time distribution due to COVID-19
- in lieu of usual compensation
- comes from conference budget
- motion passes, Erico & Victor abstain, Unanimously Approved
New Business
Sponsorship request for Python Web Conf 2022
- Board thinks this is a good idea for promoting Plone
- Silver sponsorship level includes tickets
- Jens motions, William seconds - Unanimously Approved
Third party security bounties
- working to prevent outside entities from generating CVEs specific to Plone
- Sponsorships
Closing Facebook comments
- Low traffic already
Paul monitors the comments
- No need to close comments, nothing malicious
- LinkedIn is more popular
Continued Business
Plone Conference
- Talk submissions have been extended another week
- We want more talk submissions!!
- A bunch of sponsors!
Renewal Cycle
Chrissy's making moves to have it happen!
- Folder has been updated, will be published and nominations will soon be accepted
- Andy will start with membership renewal
Review Ongoing
- Tiberiu - Paul motions, Victor seconds - Unanimously Approved
- Nicola - Jens motions, William seconds - Unanimously Approved
- [Executive Session]
- Erico is working on a YouTube Plone 6 presentation to help guide Brazilian businesses
Erico moved to adjourn, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:32 UTC