Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 11, 2021
Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC
Present: Kim Paulissen, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Andy Leeb, Paul Roeland, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of October 14, 2021
Paul moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Approval of the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting
Paul moved to approve, William seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Sponsorship for PWC
Request for tax-exempt certificate
- Has been taken care of
Incoming Correspondence
- Request for Sponsorship from Massimo (in agenda)
Email about a consultation for web accessibility in EU
- Paul handled it
- Request to include Plone Edu initiative
New Business
Selection of officers: president, vice-president, secretary
Erico -> president
- Paul motions, Andy seconds, Unanimous
Jens -> vice president
- Paul motions, Victor seconds, Unanimous
Andy -> secretary
- William motions, Jens seconds, Unanimous
Confirm Treasurer
Beth Smith
- Andy motions, Erico seconds, Unanimous
- Paul will set up Google resources for Beth and Kim P
Confirm Marketing Chair
- Kim motions, Paul seconds, Unanimous
- William -> liaison. No vote is needed.
Confirm Membership Committee Chair
Victor as the new chair
- William motions, Paul seconds, Unanimous
Select liaisons to various teams (Security, Framework, Volto, AI)
- Security - Paul
- Framework - Jens
- Volto - Victor
- AI - Erico
- Documentation - Kim
Plone Conference 2021 Report
- 268 attendees, registrations
~$8K profit, minus taxes & fees & training allocation monies
- Erico has declined his training stipend
YouTube uploads - we've committed to uploading them by one month after conf
- Paul will coordinate
- T. Kim has offered to help
- Erico requests a spreadsheet with talks, links
- [Executive Session]
- Next meeting we will have a discussion on sprint funding classification
Priorities for 2022
- We will discuss this further next meeting
Event funding request:
- 500 Euro to promote Plone in Italy
- Paul motions, Jens seconds, Unanimous
Review Ongoing
Who is handling thank you monies for trainers?
- Erico, Paul, and Victor are working on this
The marketing team requests that Paul will write up Sorrento Fanzone
- Paul responds with a concrete date
- pip only installs of Plone
Google Summer of Code is no longer limited to students
- any new participants must be 18yo
- maybe this year we will rejoin this program
- 3 dates for sprints
- Dec 4, Jan 15, and TBA
- Jens is tentatively planning an Alpine City Sprint in March
Andy moved to adjourn, Kim seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:04 UTC