Plone Foundation Board Minutes June 10, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:00 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of May 13, 2021
William moved to approve, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Approval of the minutes of May 27, 2021
Paul moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Chrissy talked to Kim about testing hotfixes in the future, looks good!
Incoming Correspondence
- n/a
New Business
Plone Conference 2021
updated Loudswarm contract
- Chrissy will sign after changes are approved
we can lower the cost by handling Friday ourselves
- LS is really great for the conference, not as much value for OpenSpaces
Continued Business
Marketing - Plone 6
Discussion surrounding naming of Plone 6 new front end
Volto is more of a "code name" - it recognizes the new functionality while providing meaning for the dev community
- De-emphasize its use
- Highlight our new shiny front end!
- Keep Classic for people who require legacy UI
Translation services
- Any non-developer centric service will be fine
- Board will work with interested community members to affect any change to our translation service
Review Ongoing
Steering circle meeting next week
- Chrissy will ping slack channel and ensure we have a working Zoom meeting
No response from @collective npm owner, we're going to have to move towards alternatives
- Poll in maybe is now online!
- initial interviews are posted, more on the way
- marketing team requested a write up/News Item that could be posted on the website
Erico moved to adjourn, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:42 UTC