Plone Foundation Board Minutes July 8, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein, Paul Roeland
Approval of the minutes of June 24, 2021
Jens moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- LoudSwarm contract was signed
William put together a letter of recommendation for Rodrigo
- we are getting the letterhead together, Paul will check then we can contact Jen if needed
- will send this week
Andy moved bylaws to markdown
- links for TOC point to google docs, will be fixed
Erico tested Helios - success!
- system was reviewed by board members
Incoming Correspondence
1Password status
- has been renewed for 2 yr period
New Business
Companies paying for employee Plone time
how can we honor the people who do work that directly impacts the community as a whole
- e.g. security team, sponsorships, accounting, docs, AI team, design, marketing
- they don't directly benefit from the work they contribute
- how does the Board measure this?
- list companies that support Plone, but this would not be an "in-kind" sponsorship?
- include logos/company name in the team listing along with the person's name?
profile pages for people for next iteration of, could include company info there
- this has been floated previously, but effort faded without results
- maybe a thank you page instead?
once a month news item posts thanking people/companies for their efforts?
- marketing team would have to take this on
- separate page for nominations/self-nominations for efforts behind the scenes, maybe as part of the marketing once-a-month spotlight news items?
- nominations can be part of steering circle agenda also
- consensus lands on the spotlight idea
Review Ongoing
PLOG news
- Erico and Sally are having ongoing discussions
- Everyone Jens has talked to wants to go - maybe a 2nd hotel!? :)
- Plone 6 is a great topic here
- Plog is a good forum for keeping the community on the same page
- [Executive Session]
Erico moved to adjourn, Jens seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:46 UTC