Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 21, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:00 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of Plone Foundation Board Minutes December 22, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- x
Incoming Correspondence
FOSS - questionnaire to be answered
- Put into google doc and collaborate on answering it
- Review answers by Feb 5, 2021
New Business
Plone Conf committee
- Erico, Chrissy, Victor, Kim has been volunteered
- Philip yes!
Ask if Sally is interested
- Yes!
- Set conference goals
- Due dates/scheduling/deadlines
- Executive coordination - marketing
- Fiscal decisions - e.g ticket sales
- Sponsorships
- [Executive Session]
Steering Circle meeting
- Next in about a month, will need to notify community
How to submit items/questions
- postings to start discussions
- google form for anonymous questions
Continued Business
- x
Review Ongoing
GSOC - rumblings about the new format
- short projects
- we would have to change our process - can't really justify 2 mentors
hard to find short projects in Zope/Plone
- maybe volto requires less background knowledge to get started
- Paul will work with Victor and Timo to discuss
Marketing Committee report via William
- News Item tweaks for more intelligent image cropping via
Sally & Norbert Mini-sprint on how to improve site
- Board intention to mirror latest release was communicated
Roadmap for sprints happening in the coming year, any other major events that the marketing team can, well, market!
- Python web conf in march
- Installer, possible for Alpine city sprint, not planned yet due to covid
Plone Conf 2020 - all invoices have been paid! Thank you Python Foundation!
- Financially the 2020 Conf was pretty good - we can use this as a way to determine if we can do the virtual/in-person conf
- Swag for trainers - sourcing ethically sourced tshirts is ongoing
Video upload - maybe we should split amongst the board?
- Upload script may need modifications depending on the naming scheme employed for the videos
Potential security CVE for zope formlib
- Plone does NOT use this library
- Since Zope is part of Plone Foundation, we should make this visible/awareness
- Very legacy
- Jens will work with the security researcher who contacted him
Paul moved to adjourn, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:53 UTC