Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 07, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of December 22, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
New Business
2021 Budget
Chrissy and Erico will spearhead this effort
Google Summer of Code
Paul - will continue to work on this
[Executive Session]
Maybe reorganize as an adjunct of the marketing team
- Reporting to marketing team
- Update list, William is no longer an ambassador
Plone installers
classic, Plone 6, Volto (npm), per platform installers, pip install plone, Digital Ocean button...
installing Plone in China is hard
we need to unify this story, Plone Board can offer strategic oversight/roadmapping
a number of issues with our current installer
a bit long in the tooth
windows does not really work well
current installer is a bunch of bash scripts, not workable for Plone 6
docker images/containerization for devops
buildout isn't needed for development as much as it was in the past
Jens - will organize a team to discuss
Continued Business
Plone Conference 2020
- Chrissy has been working on the Python Foundation adminstrivia, will work with Jen for an invoice
Videos need to be uploaded to YouTube
- some automation is required
- Erico, Paul, MaryBeth will coordinate
- Review Ongoing
Review Ongoing
- new Plone Board page will be published
CloudFlare Plone Web firewall rules for Plone - community maintain rule set, and CF would get it
- see if people are available to work on this, post on
- AI team will also work on this
Paul moved to adjourn, William seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:59 UTC