Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 18, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of February 04, 2021
Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Chrissy renewed Google Voice Number
- FOSS Questionnaire responses returned
Incoming Correspondence
- OSI Elections - open for nominations now, can wait for voting
New Business
Python Web Conference Sponsorship
- email sent outlining
- $2500 USD
- Erico motioned to approve, Andy seconded
- Sponsorship Unanimously Approved!
- Logo will be added to the conference site
2021 Budget
- Erico sent a link to board via email
- expected 26K sponsorship revenue - thank you to all our sponsors!
- conf ~$3K, mix of virtual and in person, all virtual may go up
expenses - transferred from last year
- bank charges, hosting domains, etc not a big change
IP fees
Trademark watch - will check with legal on status
- automated service can be set up instead of paying lawyer
- Crissy will check with our lawyer
Marketing -
14K for sponsoring events that are not sprints. e.g. Python Web Conference
- publicize our own events like World Plone Day
- professional services money for - could be in-kind with a company in our community, or paid as needed
- promotional materials - 11K
- Conference costs - 15K for online transmission
- Travel stipends for Release Managers
- Sprint monies!
- Paul motions, Victor seconds Unanimously Approved - Budget 2021 Passes!
Plone Conference 2021
- Meeting yesterday with conf organizers
- Preparations are being made
- Oct 20 - 22, 2021
- go/no go deadline in June
- we will need some conference champions to tell everyone they are going!
- wheels in are in motion
- [Executive Session]
Foundation will pay for virtual conf software
- will ask for local camera team
Continued Business
Review Ongoing
Erico & Paul have selected a tshirt shop
- meets Paul's ethical criteria
- basic shop set up, upgraded to Pro shop (free as we are non-profit)
based in UK, shipping is cheap worldwide
- ~$7 US
- ~$5 EU
- should be available before world plone day
- is just for marketing, no profits, very high quality merch
- [Executive Session]
- still hard with the new format
- no mentors have volunteered
- maybe focus on Erasmus project for now, look for next year
- Victor may ask around a bit more
Alpine City Sprint
- successful
- Barcelonetta worked on
- ~ 9 online
installer meeting, Jens will post to
- Victor will add js installer story
- Windows is always the 90% effort
Paul moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:54 UTC