Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 04, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:03 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb
Absent: Victor Fernandez de Alba (excused)
Approval of the minutes of January 21, 2021
Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- x
Incoming Correspondence
FOSS Foundation Research
- Checking in - we will send what we have by COB Feb 5, 2021
Google Voice Number
Someone needs to login to keep it
- Kim set it up, we will direct questions to him
- Refresher - it just records a message and sends an email to the board
Credit card expiration date
- Our accountant is on top of it
- Erico will update our shared password manager
Fulvio in kind sponsorship
- Paul motioned, Erico seconded, unanimously approved
New Business
2021 Budget
- Erico has started on this
- Line items are being considered
- We are in a good position financially from last year
- Virtual conf vs in person
- Ongoing discussions, pandemic makes it somewhat difficult
- We have some definite yeses!
- Ambassador's Page - Erico will update
Plone Conference 2020 Financials
- Things are looking good!
- Some invoices are still outstanding, so there should be more coming in soon
P/L reports
- revenue - 31K
- expenditures - 16K
Plone Conference Committee + Plone Conference 2021
Contacted organizers, we should set up a meeting with them <> Plone Conf Committee
- potential dates 17th Feb
Continued Business
Review Ongoing
T-Shirts - website
- would be nice to supply vouchers
- socks! beanies!
- ship worldwide, no worker exploitation, sourced responsibly, ethically sound
Python Web Conf - will have Plone track, sponsorship
- Lanyard level sponsorship - logo on lanyard, just an option
maybe something like a fun activity to help break up a conference day
- pop quiz on wacky Plone sprints!
- other ideas, we have a little while to consider our options
- breakout rooms sponsored by Plone?
cocktail mixing demo
Andy will ask coworker about bartending demo
- cost?
- ingredient list
- how it went
Jen's project got funded!
- internships
- jobs in IT for younger folks
- broader opensource focus
- Erico sent email for Membership kickoff
Jens has begun the installer journey
- contacted Kim, efforts have begun
Virtual sprints
- tshirts?
Marketing meeting report
current intention to update website
- fix some issues surrounding News Items display
- eventually migrate to 5.2
- working to have it reflect current release of Plone
- sprint in 2 weeks
- [Executive Session]
Erico moved to adjourn, Jens seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:51 UTC