Plone Foundation Board Minutes April 29, 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:04 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of April 15, 2021
Paul moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Incoming Correspondence
- Martin Michlmayr FOSS foundation research
New Business
World Plone Day
22:15 of content (21h15 new)
56 videos
Italy: 110 peak users, 3:11
Japan: 25 peak users, 1:30
Plone 6 videos: EN, DE, NL, CA, IT, PT-BR, FI
To be recorded: JP, ES, EU
16 countries
11 languages
> 50 Speakers
YouTube channel: 57 new subscribers in the last 7 days (Now to 411)
Twitter: 17k impressions during WPD2021, also 161 likes (normally 10)
Term limits
Brief discussion, probably a good idea but we are not implementing at this time
Is this an issue with Plone Foundation Board?
Probably not as Board member power is pretty limited
What can we do to encourage people to step into Board positions?
Maybe a direct personal approach?
What else can we do to find new board members:
maybe each one of us should find someone to talk to
cultural mores sometimes require face to face
Diversity is a real issue though, but we have a fairly accurate representation of our community on the Board
Building enthusiasm, public events, bring the community together are all elements of success for encouraging diversity
Recording/Streaming Steering Circle meetings
LiveStream and/or recording? Would need input from the security team
Maybe it could limit people's openness during discussions
Minutes are recorded already
The decision is to not record the meetings
Continued Business
Contributor Agreements
nothing new yet
Plone Conference 2021
contract from Loudswarm
we (the board) need more time to review
Review Ongoing
- Erico and Paul had a chat with Sally for a PLOG in fall, Oct 10, 2021
- 17 Oct 2021 Plone Conf date
Back to back Plone action!
- 2 weeks of EU baby!
- Maybe do the sprints before the conf
Marketing meeting update
- more short videos
- planning for Plone 6 communication
- Erasmus project has started onboarding, internship will be next
- [Executive Session]
Paul moved to adjourn, Andy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:15 UTC