Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 25, 2021
Meeting called to order at 20:00 UTC
Present: Kim Paulissen, William Fennie (partly), Érico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Jens Klein
Excused: Andy Leeb
Guest: Alexander Loechel
Ploneconf: there was an open space about Edu User group. this time only 3 people showed up: Rikupekka & Asko , TU Dresden, Alexander & colleague from LMU.
Can there be more user-centric groups, specifically EDU in this case. How can we do marketing for this?
Alexander can do part of it; who is liaison on the Board?
proposal: mid-to-end February
Kim and William are university; Kim volunteers, William will check if he has time.
Purdue, UCLA. Osaka should be contacted as well. Kim & Alexander will look into it.
Érico gave headsup to Rikupekka. Marketing team will be on board. Alexander will start notifications, board will support.
Approval of the minutes of November 11, 2021
Kim moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- PWC: taken care of
- Open source week: taken care of, but still some confusion due to handover of treasurer
Incoming Correspondence
- Framework team - executive session. Tabled until next meeting, Paul will notify writer.
- Google Summer of Code:
T.Kim noted the point.
We would need a champion. Paul can be the secretary, will try to do write-up for Contact Joerg and Stefania?
New Business
- Steering Circle: proposal Dec 14
Priorities 2022. First brainstorm only, as the Board is not complete due to Thanksgiving holiday in the USA.
- Jens: last years community building; next step to involve user communities. Difficult, but valid discussion.
- Kim: 1. get Plone 6 out, including documentation, marketing. Not so much dev; all the other parts. 2. Documentation: how to get it done. 3. : clearing our position on JAMstack/headless
- Paul: Best Practices - make clearer choices in documentation, so it is understandable for non-full-time people. Hybrid models - we do need in-person contacts.
- Víctor: make sure the non-developer parts are integrated better (marketing/users/others). Distributions?
- Érico: empower regional/thematic communities. Japan, USA, Brazil, edu/gov/etc. We also need to start preparing the new generation of leadership. Revive Foundation meaningship. Reduce overhead of some members, who have too many memberships.
Review Ongoing
- work on new foundation area (Érico)
- new membership committee in place (Víctor)
- AI-team will have a meeting next week (Nov 30)
Paul moved to adjourn, Érico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:00 UTC