Plone Foundation Board Minutes September 24, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:04 UTC
Present:Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of Sept 10, 2020
Paul moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- x
Incoming Correspondence
- x
New Business
Renewal cycle
Continued Business
Plone Conference 2020
Marketing team will reach out
Board will assist with call for proposals
Pricing and ticketing options should be discussed with conference organizers
Zope Domain
We are investigating Zope trademark acquisition
Zope Foundation agreed, in 2010, to release the domain name, but nothing happened
Alternatives are being investigated but until the domain expires we don't have many other options
review ongoing
Review Ongoing
Zope servers are now funded by Plone Foundation
IFTTT subscription
Jenkins/Testing - handover to AI team at next AI team meeting
Steering circle went well
well attended
Paul is looking forward to a new season of Google Summer of Code!
Erico moved to adjourn, Jens seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:33 UTC