Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 19, 2020
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Absent: Andy Leeb (excused)
Approval of the minutes of 2020-11-05
- Paul moved to approve, Erico seconded
- Unanimously Approved
Action Items
Incoming Correspondence
- we got invited for the CMS garden (german language), Paul follows up, Jens gets CC.
New Business
Plone Roadmap (meeting next monday)
- make Volto and Classic Plone people come together,
- avoid future conflicts,
- we need to agree on a narrative how we are going to sell Plone 6,
- at the moment we have the narrative we can push it.
- executive session
Foundation mailing address
- because of home office foundation mail does not get processed in time, Jen need to drive far to get it
- looking a solution for physical mail (PO/Box for Jen in her local environment)
- alternative 15$ scan service
- probably low volume, so scan service is probaly expensive (Feedback came in while talking: Mostly junk mail)
- decision: Jen gets PO box
- forwarding will be setup
Prep for annual meeting
- happen on friday of conference (see schedule)
- rough agenda set up
Continued Business
Plone Conference 2020
- sponsors are coming in, 12 by now, more are expected
- lighting talks should be prerecorded, but a few can be live if needed
- for some participants (i.e. Italian universities) need to be billed afterwards b/c of tax reasons. We support this.
- have roughly 140 participants, more coming in
- french track, also for french parts West Africa, reduced ticket prices (also other low-income parts of the world), includes training.
- good to have more people from other under represented/low income regions, get them in, even below 25$. We have to push that.
Renewal cycle
- News item prepared as draft, Sally will review
Zope Domain
- Domain was renewed for 2 years, but not owned by the foundation
- We think about how to proceed with this in future.
Review Ongoing
World Plone Day
- Online Event: April, 28th 2021
- 24h Plone around the world - 6h are already organized
Paul moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:47 UTC