Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 05, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of October 20, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
New member added to mailing list
- Secretary sent notification
- News Item pending
Incoming Correspondence
- x
New Business
Prep for annual meeting
- Chrissy will work on this in the upcoming weeks
- Paul/Andy will get you a list of new contributor agreements
- Add a section about doing the plone conf virtual
- Zope members
- Other topics that should be included - let us know!
Continued Business
Plone Conference 2020
Schedule looks great! Its going to be an awesome conference
Sponsors are shaping up
creation of a new 'Diamond' level
Finances are looking good for us
Python Foundation inquired about diversity
free tix for the French track
- Dorneles Treméa Scholarship Fund
List of trainings
- touch base with trainers
- need a schedule
- would be great to have Zoom rooms for the trainings
Renewal cycle
see above Prep for annual meeting
Zope Domain
we have a contingency plan with, but may break existing setups
trademark is still in effect
review ongoing
Review Ongoing
- Membership renewal is going as expected, some issues nothing too big
- Sponsorships - Fulvio will take that on
- Erico mentioned Plone at a PythonBrasil conference, maybe we'll see some conference attendees
Plone 6
- bootstrap is pretty much prod ready
current documentation is outdated, it will need to be rewritten
- WSGI, Zope4/5 - really technical docs
- will need to have a meeting to figure out integration
- how to install with Plone 6, installer, cli, tooling
- need tooling champion - plone conf sprint could be ideal place for planning
- Plone Steering Committee should be used for this
Open Spaces:
- Scheduled for Friday (of the conference)
- Plone 6/Volto integration
We have a Travis CI issue
- plone core is fine
- add-on infrastructure will need to be moved
- should probably be moved to github actions
- Google Summer of Code
- project times are shortened
- projects will need to be smaller, achievable in ~1.5 months
- is it worth it - different projects, different mentoring
- types of projects submitted/accepted could change, maybe younger students will be interested
- second round of submission
World Plone Day
- plan on a virtual one
Erico moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:53 UTC