Plone Foundation Board Minutes March 12, 2020
Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC
- attendance
- approval of the minutes of Feb 27 + check if action items were followed up
- incoming correspondence
- Nothing new that’s not already on the agenda
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland
Excused: Andy Leeb
Absent: Jens Klein, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 27, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Review Ongoing
- Google Summer Of Code
- We will not be pursuing a spot with the PSF, so we will not be doing GSOC this year.
- OSI Vote
- We planned to look at the names of candidates
- We will submit our recommendations to Chrissy, otherwise she will pick someone and vote before the deadline tomorrow
- Zope domains:
- Erico: Some domain names are set to expire by 11-27-20 and we have no idea who owns them.
- We have the keys to DNS
- expires in early September. Owned by Python Software Verband e.V. and they will take care of it.
- Erico will work on contacting the owner
- We are trying to move to September 12-19.
- No updates from the hotel, yet.
- US Pycon
- They do not want to cancel just yet, they are waiting for the venue to cancel who in turn is waiting for the State.
- If anyone is going, get refundable flights
- They are hoping to make an announcement by next Friday
- Ploneconf
- No plans to change anything, we will evaluate in the summer if anything needs to change
- Transferwise
- Jen is working on setting up Transferwise for international money transfers
- IndyPy Web conf
- Plone Foundation is platinum sponsor
- The conference is online only, so it will not be cancelled
Erico moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:38 UTC