Plone Foundation Board Minutes June 18, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC
approval of the minutes of June 4 + check if action items were followed up
incoming correspondence
Present:Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Jens Klein
Absent:Victor Fernandez de Alba (excused)
Approval of the minutes of June 04, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Incoming Correspondence
- Plone community member health
New Business
Plone Strategic Summit
- Better name needed perhaps with the term "process"
- decision: rename to "Plone Governance Process"
Continued Business
Zope Domains
- No news
Review Ongoing
- Project maintainers - Plone, Volto, restapi
- Cool stuff from our colleagues in Finland should get publicity
- [Executive Session]
Andy moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:37 UTC