Plone Foundation Board Minutes July 16, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:08 UTC
approval of the minutes of July 02 + check if action items were followed up
incoming correspondence
Present: Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb
Absent:Victor Fernandez de Alba (excused), Chrissy Wainwright (excused)
Approval of the minutes of July 02, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
Language in code - GitHub is working towards adding symbolic links to rename branches, no ETA
Paul has started listing where we have language to change
old branches included? or just in current release, and forward looking development
- just on 'main' from now on
- portlets have some language that needs changing
- full report on what needs to be changed forthcoming
Incoming Correspondence
Release manager question has been resolved, this was a Board decision and went through the normal process.
- maybe could be more explicit
- Zope release manager candidate suggested with release manager benefits, needs full board for this decision
New Business
Membership Committee and Zope Members
- python script for moving active Zope members to emeritus Plone members
- Board Secretary will send email to above members
- Andy motions to activate the plan, Paul seconds, unanimous agreement
Continued Business
Plone Conference 2020
things are going ok, Europe is opening up again without any major problems
Board has been in contact with conference organizers
US will probably have troubles getting into EU
inter EU travel is likely to be ok
mostly EU conference
Zope Domains
ongoing efforts
review ongoing
Review Ongoing
accessibility front - Volto - work is being done, and good progress
Plone 6 with Volto - could get more government contracts due to increased accessibility regulation compliance
documentation - tactical decisions need to be agreed upon
AI Team - 1Password
will need documented processes
Documentation team and AI Team will have a meeting sometime in the next couple weeks
[Executive Session]
Erico moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:41 UTC