Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 30, 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:30 UTC


  • attendance
  • approval of the minutes of Jan 16 + check if action items were followed up 
  • incoming correspondence


Present: Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Andy Leeb,  Jens Klein, Erico Andrei, Victor Fernandez de Alba


Approval of the minutes of Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 16, 2020

Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

Incoming Correspondence

  • Zope and Google Analytics - wants to have their own tracker

    • create new site in GA and send it to them, Paul has access to official GA will provide to Erico
  • Email from Kim (added to agenda)

New Business

  • Security Team - 

    • thank Maurits for making the release, Matthew Wilkes for CVE numbers;  Kim and Alec for QA security release
    • look for new recruits? actually has many members, Jens was looking at membership

      • maybe get Zope people to participate in security team
      • Jens will reach out to them
  • Appoint Ambassadors - no news

    • release News Item approval, can update the list as necessary
  • Budget 2020

    • In progress
  • Zope Membership Plan

    • Proposal forthcoming

Continued Business

  • review ongoing

Review Ongoing

  • GSoC - no one has stepped up to be organizer

    • Paul is ready, but we should have another person to help resolve the "lottery problem"
    • We need another person as Paul will be off grid for some of the due dates
    • Prospective individuals will be asked to contact Paul
    • Paul will submit application and post to community [dot] plone [dot] org
    • We have some runway for idea submission
  • EU project
  • Jens spoke with members of the community about conference attendance, it may be easier to get some people by providing more than just a ticket, maybe include training or different tiers of packages. Suggest this to the conference or sprint organizers. Also, provide certificate of training or certificate of attendance.
  • [Executive Session]

Erico moved to adjourn, Andy seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:14 UTC