Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 16, 2020
Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Andy Leeb, Jens Klein, Erico Andrei, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of January 02, 2020
Andy moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Insurance for events has not been updated on plone [dot] org
Incoming Correspondence
OSI Elections
- Chrissy has contacted OSI to transfer email to us
- president at plone dot org alias should still work
- nominations are available, elections are open in March
- Funding request was inadvertently deleted, but it was for a php conference so no big loss there
New Business
Alpine City Sprint funding request
is designated strategic
3000 requested, Erico motioned, Jens seconded, unanimously approved
Release manager update
everyone agrees this is a good plan to have multiple release managers
travel stipend instead of lump sum
expected security releases on 4.x
Paul motioned, Andy seconded, all in favor
Volto and Guillotina release manager should be a separate discussion
Appoint Ambassadors
only one left, Paul will send email again
feedback from one who was asked: may not be necessary, nor do they speak in one voice all have different needs
- ambassador would not be required to form consensus
- News Item is being sent to marketing team
Relicensing policy
No new updates
2020 Budget
No new updates
Continued Business
Zope integration process
Erico will present a new membership plan at the next meeting
review ongoing
Review Ongoing
GSoC is opened, Paul posted on community [dot] plone [dot] org
- wealth of artifacts from previous seasons
- we are in need of some volunteers for this
Plone Conf 2020 prep meeting
- team is participating
- Paul may join when he's available
- booth is secured
- materials from last year will be reused
- we will likely have a booth
- in Dublin this year
- [Executive Session]
Paul moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:56 UTC