Plone Foundation Board Minutes January 02, 2020
Meeting called to order at 20:05UTC
Present:Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Absent:Erico Andrei (excused)
Approval of the minutes of December 19, 2019
Paul moved to approve, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- N/A
Incoming Correspondence
Insurance coverage for PF events?
- we could create guidelines for this, however the foundation can't really take out the coverage, it needs to be the event organizer.
- Fulvio will check to where we could place this guideline on plone [dot] org
- Alpine City Strategic Sprint request
New Business
Appoint Ambassadors
- ambassadors have been contacted
- news item will be generated
Relicensing policy
- no new developments
2020 Budget
- still missing a month of expenses
- legal expenses zeroed out gains from last year
Chrissy and Paul will collaborate
- Fulvio has graciously volunteered
plone [dot] com
- discussion on plone [dot] org version
- would be nice to have it as volto and a single content type
- success stories - are they still useable, maybe need to cull stuff thats too old
existing design skews more US stylistically, update
- Victor is happy to implement the design
- Chrissy & Kim discussed a potential designer
- plone [dot] com - needs a bigger team. specificity matters here, we need designers. Jens can do back-end, AI and Infrastructure team has tooling. Updates were made, but user accounts now have permissions issues
Continued Business
Zope integration process
- No new info
review ongoing
- [Executive Session]
- Documentation for GSoC has been received, call for help forthcoming, we need another organizational admin. community [dot] plone [dot] org will be updated
Review Ongoing
- N/A
Andy moved to adjourn, Jens seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:46 UTC