Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 27, 2020
Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC
Continued Business
review ongoing
approval of the minutes of Feb 13 + check if action items were followed up
incoming correspondence
Funding request for Plone-Tagung
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Andy Leeb, Erico Andrei, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Paul Roeland
Absent: Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 13, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Incoming Correspondence
- Beethoven Sprint - Erico motioned to approve $4000, Andy seconded. Victor abstained, motion approved. Victor will talk to sprint organizers.
- Plone-Tagung 2020 - Paul motioned to approve $1300, Erico seconded. unanimously approved
- Python Web Conf (IndyPy) - Paul motioned to approve $1500, Erico seconded. unanimously approved. Chrissy will talk to Six Feet Up about the amount.
GitHub sponsorship - basically allows a tip-jar where money will end up in Plone Foundation. Paul filled out application, program is out of beta.
- Plone security repository is separate from Plone Foundation. Repos were frozen due to billing, but its been fixed.
New Business
Budget 2020
Chrissy, Fulvio worked with other budget team members to finalize
Paul motioned, Erico seconded. Unanimously approved. Budget passes!
Gold level sponsorship, $1500
Plone will have a presence there
General assessment is that its a good opportunity
Erico motioned, Chrissy seconded. Unanimously approved.
March 12 Note: DragonPy has been moved to September
GSOC Update
Not selected this time around, not much community engagement
In thru PSF?
- Victor may have a person to do it
- Maybe we'll take a break from it this year, regroup for next year.
Relicensing Policy
Paul put up a PR to relicense Volto as MIT instead of BSD. MIT & BSD are functionally identical.
Both can co-exist, this allows MIT licensing an option.
Andy motions, Victor seconds. Unanimously approved.
Victor will contact project owners
Updates from Marketing Team
will meet every two weeks on thursdays
shutting down marketing slack, moving to main
fulvio will be liaison to marketing team
Review Ongoing
- full! 21 registered with their +1's
- extra two are wanting to come also
- [Executive Session]
March 12 Note: PLOG is in process of being rescheduled
- Volto 4 is almost done!
- Mail provider has stopped the free 10K emails a month (Mailgun). Cost may go up to $7/mo. Community has been cleaned up (spam accounts), new accounts must be approved. Wait a couple months, reassess after that. $10/mo is our threshold for decision.
Fulvio moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:54 UTC