Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 13, 2020

Meeting called to order at 20:07 UTC


  • attendance
  • approval of the minutes of Jan 30 + check if action items were followed up 
  • incoming correspondence


Present:Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Andy Leeb,  Jens Klein, Erico Andrei, Victor Fernandez de Alba

Absent: Paul Roeland, (excused)

Approval of the minutes of January 30, 2020

Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • N/A

Incoming Correspondence

  • CMS Garden
  • DragonPy 
  • Zope Foundation
  • PLOG

New Business

  • PLOG

    • is strategic sprint

    • email communicated the plan

  • Zope Foundation/Membership

    • 33 new emeritus members - the plan is as follows:
      As background, from the Zope Foundation Membership list we were able to track 55 members:
          * 7 are active PF members
          * 15 are emeritus PF members
          * 33 are NOT PF members

      The Plone Foundation Membership Committee proposes a "fast-track" approach to integrate the ZF Members:
          * ZF membership is considered a long last contribution to the community (in this case, the Zope community)
          * All 33 ZF members should become PF emeritus members

      Pending Plone Foundation Board approval:
          * Write a news item informing about this decision
          * Create all 33 new members on plone [dot] org
          * Write to the 33 new members AND to the 15 emeriti that they could become active PF members if they want to -- just follow the same procedure we already have in place.

    • Andy motioned, Jens seconded all 33 members approved!

    • Erico and Andy will work together to add new members to plone [dot] org

    • Membership section of plone [dot] org site needs some love, action item for PLOG sprint

  • GDPR notice on Plone and Zope sites

    • adding GA script requires to DE site uncovered the need for a 'cookie message' for GDPR compliance across plone [dot] org

    • more discussion is needed for understanding what we need for compliance

    • collective.privacy - maybe add to core, need to bring it up with framework team

      • static sites can just have a notice

      • sites with user accounts is more complex and requires some planning

    • zope [dot] org, docs [dot] zope [dot] org are asking for help in hosting their sites, talk to AI team, no issues foreseen

  • Security Team

    • Zope security team should be part of Plone security team

    • Perhaps reach out to Pyramid, due to waitress usage.

  • Budget 2020

    • Is getting ready!

    • Other board members have been invited to participate, should be ready for next meeting.

Continued Business

  • review ongoing
  • conference/event insurance reqs documentation look good

    • it's particularly important if the PF is the conference's financial agent
    • we may to reach out to existing events organizers that may be covered by this policy

      • some events that have corporate sponsorship may be covered by the sponsor already
      • conference organizers will need to be aware of this

Review Ongoing

  • Conference/Event insurance requirements

Erico moved to adjourn, Fulvio seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:51 UTC