Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 13, 2020
Meeting called to order at 20:07 UTC
- attendance
- approval of the minutes of Jan 30 + check if action items were followed up
- incoming correspondence
Present:Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Andy Leeb, Jens Klein, Erico Andrei, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Absent: Paul Roeland, (excused)
Approval of the minutes of January 30, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Jens seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- N/A
Incoming Correspondence
- CMS Garden
- DragonPy
- Zope Foundation
New Business
is strategic sprint
email communicated the plan
Zope Foundation/Membership
33 new emeritus members - the plan is as follows:
As background, from the Zope Foundation Membership list we were able to track 55 members:
* 7 are active PF members
* 15 are emeritus PF members
* 33 are NOT PF members
The Plone Foundation Membership Committee proposes a "fast-track" approach to integrate the ZF Members:
* ZF membership is considered a long last contribution to the community (in this case, the Zope community)
* All 33 ZF members should become PF emeritus members
Pending Plone Foundation Board approval:
* Write a news item informing about this decision
* Create all 33 new members on plone [dot] org
* Write to the 33 new members AND to the 15 emeriti that they could become active PF members if they want to -- just follow the same procedure we already have in place.Andy motioned, Jens seconded all 33 members approved!
Erico and Andy will work together to add new members to plone [dot] org
Membership section of plone [dot] org site needs some love, action item for PLOG sprint
GDPR notice on Plone and Zope sites
adding GA script requires to DE site uncovered the need for a 'cookie message' for GDPR compliance across plone [dot] org
more discussion is needed for understanding what we need for compliance
collective.privacy - maybe add to core, need to bring it up with framework team
static sites can just have a notice
sites with user accounts is more complex and requires some planning
zope [dot] org, docs [dot] zope [dot] org are asking for help in hosting their sites, talk to AI team, no issues foreseen
Security Team
Zope security team should be part of Plone security team
Perhaps reach out to Pyramid, due to waitress usage.
Budget 2020
Is getting ready!
Other board members have been invited to participate, should be ready for next meeting.
Continued Business
- review ongoing
conference/event insurance reqs documentation look good
- it's particularly important if the PF is the conference's financial agent
we may to reach out to existing events organizers that may be covered by this policy
- some events that have corporate sponsorship may be covered by the sponsor already
- conference organizers will need to be aware of this
Review Ongoing
- Conference/Event insurance requirements
Erico moved to adjourn, Fulvio seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:51 UTC