Plone Foundation Board Minutes December 22, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:07 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, William Fennie, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of December 3, 2020
Paul moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Approval of the minutes of Annual General Meeting Dec 10, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- x
Incoming Correspondence
- x
New Business
selection of officers: president, vice-president, secretary
Paul moved to appoint Chrissy as president, Victor seconded
- Unanimously Approved
- Chrissy is President!
Paul moved to appoint Erico, Chrissy seconded
- Unanimously Approved
- Erico is Vice President!
Erico moves to appoint Andy as secretary, Paul seconded
- Unanimously Approved
- Andy is Secretary
confirm treasurer
- Paul moves to reappoint Jen as Treasurer, Jens seconded
- Unanimously Approved
- Jen is Treasurer!
confirm marketing chair
- Erico moves to appoint William as liaison to marketing team, Paul seconded
- Erico moves to appoint Rikkupekka as marketing chair, Paul seconded
- Unanimously Approved
select liaisons to various teams (Education, Security, Framework, Volto, etc.)
- Jens is Framework, Security liaison
- Victor is Volto liaison
- Erico is AI liaison
- Zope
Membership Committee
- Erico is co-chair with Kim
- William is also on it
Priorities for 2021
Paul - documentation
- GSOC - not sure if its worth it now, project sizes are cut in ½, will provide a proposal next board meeting should be part of each new major release - dogfooding in american startup speak
- for example: plone 6 release -> should on Plone 6 with Volto
first sprint for in Feb 2021,
- focus on migration to Plone 5.2 & Python 3
- fold into
- Erico - revive the Brazilian Plone community
- Jens - steering circle, community, Alpine sprint in the summer?
- ensure that domains continue to work
- keep community members talking about plone in conferences etc. we should publicize this initiative
- Victor - Plone 6 help coordinate teams
- Andy - improve contributor agreement
Plone Conference 2020 Report
- "It Went Well" - Plone Foundation President
- videos will be posted after 1 month
- speakers & trainers - gift? maybe set up plone store, give a credit maybe or discount codes
- python foundation wants some reports etc for their records, we need to invoice them
- near real-time recordings would be great for in person conference
Digital Ocean deploy button
- Erico talked with Kim about it - Plone foundation will pay for it for now
- Installer team sprint would likely supersede it, but board should facilitate it with the end goal being pip install plone and Docker containers
Continued Business
- x
Review Ongoing
- dev teams are pushing forward with modernization
- training websites now have auto deploy via Github actions
Andy moved to adjourn, William seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:14 UTC