Plone Foundation Board Minutes April 23, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:06 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Absent: N/A
Approval of the minutes of April 09, 2020
Paul moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- ITOnBoard
Incoming Correspondence
- Renewing Sponsorship from Starzel
New Business
AI Team request for funds
LastPass requires subscription, currently using a personal one from previous AI team member
- Will ease onboarding of new AI team members
- Prefer to do a short term month to month if possible until we can get a permanent OSS self hosted solutions
- Alternatives are being explored, but would require more maintenance overhead, but we'd control it
- Andy motions for LastPass month to month, Erico seconds - unanimously approved, no abstentions
Current Sponsorships
- Thank You Six Feet Up for hosting dist [dot] plone [dot] org!!
Continued Business
Zope Domains
GitHub Sponsors Status
Paul will continue to work with GitHub to waive fees for the Foundation
Plone Conf 2020
Color schemes
Concern surrounding conference prep
Paul spoke to them, if no covid-19 crisis, then it could be a go!
Conference organizers have been in touch with municipal and university
Should we consider a hybrid conference also?
Streaming option, PF can leverage other online streaming conferences for guidance
Chrissy will send message to conf organizers with options
review ongoing
Review Ongoing
- Python web and IT community onboarding program: vocational orientation for young people, Jens has submitted paperwork! Will help usher younger folks into Plone. A nice coalition of EU Plone development companies helped to get this done!
Plone 6 remote sprint is ongoing - Jens and Victor
- 9a 5p CST standups
- image scaling is getting some improvements, Volto and more!
- Possible Zope 5 release
- Working well! Online sprints are viable
- Community is continuing work on Zope/Plone, Python 3 adoption was not the end point!
- Jens will generate a News Item about this
Victor moved to adjourn, Jens seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:41 UTC