Plone Foundation Board Minutes April 09, 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:07 UTC
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Jens Klein
Approval of the minutes of March 26, 2020
Erico moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- x
Incoming Correspondence
ITOnboard - multi-step program to get students into IT related job market (EU), internships
Letter of Intent - does not commit PF to anything, but shows interest in the program
- Board is happy to sign
New Business
GitHub sponsor status
continuing to complete paperwork
- Paul will check in with team to get/provide needed info
- should be ready soon
Plone Conference
- preliminary site is being set up
- we are maintaining positivity that it will be a conventional in-person conf!
- will add branding, color scheme to show that work is being done
Marketing Team discussed
PF statement about COVID-19
- message of hope, and support for the community
- possible online meetup for all community members
- General discussion on how to encourage people to create contents about Plone
- "What connects you with Plone?"
Maybe a hashtag instead?
- Market that we are still active, and provide ways to participate in online events, sprints etc, other online activities.
- New project with accessibility firmWe4Authors - Kitconcept will handle most of it, but the real win is solid accessibility testing of Volto, which will allow Gov't adoption.
Continued Business
Zope Domains
continuing the efforts!
US PyCon Cancelled
general sadness
Euro Python
general sadness
it will be totally online, details TBD.
sponsorship stuff is still unknown, we will find out more as information becomes available.
Review Ongoing
- [Executive Session]
Erico moved to adjourn, Fulv seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:40 UTC