Plone Foundation Board Minutes July 2, 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC


  • attendance

  • approval of the minutes of June 18 + check if action items were followed up 

  • incoming correspondence


Present:Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein

Absent:Victor Fernandez de Alba (excused), Andy Leeb (excused)

Approval of the minutes of June 18, 2020

Erico moved to approve, Chrissy seconded

Unanimously Approved

Incoming Correspondence

Continued Business

  • Plone Conference: no updates, but the overall situation in Europe is improving. Most of Europe is open for travel again, and also travel is open for a number of non-European countries.
  • Plone Governance Process:

    Board need more time to read and comment on the initial work done so far; we will dedicate a separate meeting to it (July 23rd), so we can make a presentable proposal to the wider community for discussion.

    The Board is collecting information, reading and assembling.

  • Zope Domains

    • No news, Erico will try to contact some more people to get hold of the current owners.

Review Ongoing

  • Language in code and documentation:

    We should start reviewing the codebase and look for insensitive language.

    Paul will make initial report on what could/should be changed, and then we need to have a plan so this doesn’t break existing setups. It looks like Github is already working on ways to make renaming branches less painful.

  • AI team:

    Two servers were setup for the German community. They will be managed by German community members. The domains will be managed by the Plone Foundation.

    Mini-sprint on AI documentation in the next week.

  • We have a free plan with 1Password now, that can be used by multiple teams.

    Thanks to Nejc Zupan for the suggestion!

  • repo was migrated to Plone Foundation account, work will be done over the next days/weeks.

  • Jens talked to Maik Derstappen about an add-on to scrape add-ons from pypi. There will be a (remote) mini-sprint to further enhance that. It will have the metadata from pypi, including trove classifiers. It may be extended at some point to extend that to NPM, so we can also pull in JS packages.

  • There is still a group working on Bootstrap 4 version of Barceloneta theming. It would be available optional for Plone 5 and be part of Plone 6 (see PLIPS for detailed information). It would basically be a modernized version of Barceloneta.

  • Many good newsitems appearing on Kudos to the marketing team!

Erico moved to adjourn, Jens seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 19:47 UTC