Plone Foundation Board Minutes September 26, 2019
Business of the Plone Foundation
Meeting called to order at 20:02 UTC
Present: Paul, Chrissy, Alexander, Erico, Kim
Absent:Victor (excused), Carol (excused)
Minutes taken today by Kim
Approval of the minutes of Aug 29, 2019
August 29, 2019 minutes: Erico moved, Chrissy seconded.
Kim to update AI team sprint with details & participants.
Minutes pass (unanimously approved)
Approval of the minutes of Sept 12, 2019
Move the approval of August 29 minutes to today’s meeting
Kim to fix link to
Alexander moved, Erico seconded.
Minutes pass (unanimously approved)
Action Items
- none
Incoming Correspondence
- none
New Business
Support for student interns visiting conference
- The board received estimated cost info for internship program. Interns will be housed at an Airbnb.
Funding for up to $1500:
- Alexander moved, Erico seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
- Funding does not imply legal liability for the Foundation
Request for making a promotional video during the conference
Funding for up to $1700:
- Erico moved, Paul seconded. Motion passes unanimously
Officers and directors liability insurance for the Foundation
- The board has considered getting this coverage in the past but did not take it up (cost vs benefit was not seen to be advantageous then). What are the limitations? What is the cost?
- The board will reconsider this if given more information (e.g. a price quote, terms)
Annual request for donations to the Foundation
- Will target US members, since donations would be tax deductible for them
- Donation drive will take place during the conference
Continued Business
Support for Google Summer of Code student
- We have the visa request letter template from past conferences
- The student will be housed in the Airbnb arranged by the internship program managed by Christine Baumgartner and Jens Klein
Plone Conference Ferrara update
- Schedule is published
- Signups are looking good – thank you RedTurtle!
Board renewal cycle
- We had our open board meeting today with 3 attendees
- 1 new nominee
Conference call for proposals
- ongoing
Prepare annual meeting
- financials being prepped, will be ready in the next week
Zope integration process - update
- no update on the process
- we are preparing to host the site
Review Ongoing
Framework team:
- 1 PLIP to be discussed in Ferrara
Google Season of Docs:
- The team has decided on this target audience: non-Plone developers
- Kim Paulissen will be the editor/reviewer
Our forum has been spammed a lot but we have taken some preventive measures that seem to be working
- We are now tracking real inbound IPs
- Updated thresholds for new posters putting up links
Alexander moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:38 UTC