Plone Foundation Board Minutes May 23, 2019
Minutes of Plone Foundation Board
Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC
Present: Paul, Chrissy, Carol, Erico, Alexander,
Absent: Victor - Excused, Kim - Excused
Approval of the minutes of May 9, 2019
Alexander moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Sponsorship request follow up with Kim
- EU-FOSSA Alexander attended
Incoming Correspondence
- Tidelift - Paul to ask about how Plone Foundation can be included.
New Business
- Trademark Watch - New Attorney
Continued Business
- GSOC - Coding period starts May 27, 2019. Paul to check in with Cris.
- Zope CLA process - Paul to follow up with Matthew. Process works as set up for Plone. Need current Zope contributors to update.
- Google Season of Docs - process is on schedule.
- EuroPython Prep - We have a booth Paul and Calvin to manage during event.
- Zope Foundation Status Update - Alexander is following up on this.
Review Ongoing
- PyCon Web in Munich Nejc Zupan giving a keynote
- Plone Conf training session discussion underway
Additional Teams needed for Zope and Guillotina -
- Alexander to discuss Zope with that team
- Paul to discuss Guillotina with that group
- Paul will not be at the June 6 meeting due to travel
Alexander moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:34 UTC