Plone Foundation Board Minutes for January 31, 2019
Board minutes
Meeting called to order at 20:04 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Érico Andrei, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba (joined later)
Approval of the minutes of January 17, 2019
- Erico moved to approve, Carol seconded
- Unanimously approved
New Business
Funding requests:
- executive session re: community meetup funding requests
- PLOG trainer housing $1275 if event takes place: Alexander moves to approve. Paul seconds. Unanimously approved.
- Calico GSoC-like program $1500. Kim to get back to requestors to ask if it would be workable to fund only Plone related projects.
- OSI affiliate call report: Kim submitted a report. OSI beginning to develop more collaboration and information sharing between its affiliates, to help grow its influence in light of corporations attempting to subvert the definition of "open source". Agreed we want to sign the OSI statement on open source definition. Kim to respond in the affirmative.
- New sponsor. Kim to respond with our policy not to accept sponsorship from unconnected organizations or individuals.
Continued Business
- Sorrento: Kim's report. Dates have changed to April 12-19 because of other hotel bookings. Will include free training on porting to Python 3 and on Volto/React. Registration form, event, and main PLOG page now synchronized. Kim to promote more now. February 28 deadline to let hotel know our expected attendance numbers.
- PyCon prep: Chrissy's report. Activity at booth will be lock picking. Will provide a Plone site and ask visitors if they can hack it, with responsible disclosure of any identified vulnerabilities. New landing page for PyCon. Biweekly meetings (Chrissy, Carol, Kim) to stay on track.
- Budget 2019: Paul and Carol have completed the budget. Similar to last year's. Included additional legal fees for Zope and Pylons merger project.
- Pylons project, Zope Foundation status update: Paul: Good recent meeting. Categorizing repos. Contributor agreement progress. Will use a GitHub repo to track changes to it.
- Tokyo conf administrative finishing up: exec session. We are still waiting.
Review ongoing
- Ploneconf2019 (Paul reporting): multiple email exchanges to agree on expectations. Linode is ready, deployed with the great Plone Ansible playbook (thanks Steve McMahon!). Waiting for an initial deployment of policy package and theme.
- Discourse setup (Kim reporting): Martior has provided information for us to update.
- React BarCamp in Köln organized by kitconcept (Victor reporting). Presented Volto and Gatsby and Plone. Very favourable response to Volto. Discussion of rebranding Plone not as a CMS but as a backend web service or an intelligent digital asset management tool.
- GSoC: good brainstorming in our forum and several ideas submitted. We are ready to submit the application.
Upcoming events:
- Alpine City Sprint February 4-10, 2019 -
Plone Tagung February 25 - Mar 1, 2019 -
- Sorrento Sprint April 12-19 (register by Feb. 28!)
- Indianapolis, Indiana USA - Python on the Web Conf, June 6-7, 2019 - stay tuned
Motion to adjourn by Alexander, seconded by Erico
Meeting adjourned at 21:18 UTC
Respectfully submitted by Kim Nguyen on behalf of Carol Ganz, Plone Foundation Secretary