Plone Foundation Board Minutes for February 28, 2019
Approved minutes of the most recent board meeting
Meeting called to order at 20:04 UTC
Present: Paul, Chrissy, Carol, Alexander, Kim, Erico, Victor (joined late)
Approval of the minutes of February 14th, 2019
Alexander moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- CMS Garden fees have been paid.
Incoming Correspondence
- Funding Request for Beethoven Sprint planned for 20th of June to the 24th, 2019
- Motion to approve $4000 as requested made by Erico Seconded by Paul. Pass unanimously
New Business
- New sprints being discussed at the community level.
- GSoC - Thank you to Cris Ewing for leading our application, and to all the mentor and students who stepped up to help us put in a strong application to Google. Unfortunately we did not get funded this year.
Continued Business
- Sorrento is moving forward, please sign up if you have not already.
- PyCon/EuroPython planning is moving forward
- Pylons meeting minutes can be seen at
- Zope Foundation Merger - work continues
- Tokyo Conf administration wrap up continues
Review Ongoing
Plone-Tagung reported 50 attendees with a good discussion about the future of Plone
- Plone roadmap is being proposed by the community for release of Plone 5.2 and 6.0
Alexander moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:00 UTC
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Ganz
Plone Foundation Secretary