Plone Foundation Board Minutes December 5, 2019
Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Chrissy Wainwright, Erico Andrei, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Fulvio Casali, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb
Absent: None
Approval of the minutes of Nov 21, 2019
Erico moved to approve, Paul seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- None
Incoming Correspondence
- Confirmation - booth for PyCon is approved
- OSI marketing
- IndyPy wants to donate $1400 to Plone.
New Business
- strategic sprint - route to marketing team for determination
- Erico moved to approve $2900 pending strategic approval Jens seconded
- Erico will reply to Sally and announce on marketing
Discuss/Appoint Ambassadors
- We are still working on contacting people
- relicensing policy - Paul will continue to work on this
Continued Business
discussion of priorities
- Zope members in Foundation
- Membership team now includes Guillotina, Pyramid, 2 Zope members
- Kim will continue in marketing, Fulvio is excited to work with marketing
- Chrissy is looking at Plone Teams, more US activity
- Erico got the suggestion to facilitate more community interaction outside of the annual conference
- Philosophical discussion "What is Plone"?
- Executive Session
Zope integration process - update
- Membership - Erico was able to get a list of Zope Foundation mailing list, cross referenced with Plone Foundation membership
id 55 people, 7 are active in Plone Foundation, 2 are on membership committee , 50 people are emeritus, 33 non members
- what are these 33 people doing now? we don't know
- convert these 33 into emeritus Plone Foundation members, they can write to us to get reinstated as active members. This seems like a good plan, low bar for entry, is doable. Topic for a 1 - 2 day sprint perhaps.
Legal implications for fast tracking 33 (non-pf members) zope members into PF?
- No legal implications, membership committee approval, should probably have a formal written proposal to board
- should we actively pursue members of foundation who let their membership expire (now in emeritus), but are active in community or make a living working with Plone
- Paul may go thru emeritus list and check emails b/c holiday season, Erico may provide Paul technical assistance
- Money has not been transferred
- review ongoing
Review Ongoing
- Victor will attend Plone 6 kickoff sprint
- Volto 4 release
- Erico will touch base about, will probably happen next week
- Fulvio - what does Plone membership mean - maybe we should have more transparency and awareness about this topic. What does being a foundation member do/what does it mean. This will require further discussion. Day to day - meritocracy, but fundamental changes should be guided by members.
Andy moved to adjourn, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:14 UTC