Plone Foundation Board Minutes August 15, 2019

Minutes of the biweekly meeting.

Meeting called to order at 20:00 UTC



Present: Paul, Chrissy, Alexander, Erico, Kim

Absent: Victor excused, Carol excused

(Kim is taking the minutes today)

Approval of the minutes of August 1, 2019

Chrissy moved to approve, Paul seconded. Unanimously approved

Action Items

  • no new items

Incoming Correspondence

  • no new items

New Business

  • Renewal cycle:

    • Paul, Carol, and Chrissy met to plan the renewal cycle. 
    • Erico has drafted a timeline for the conference call for proposals. We will accept proposals for the month of September, followed by a due diligence period, voting days, and announcement of the selected proposal in Ferrara. Final timeline will be published in the following days.
  • CMS Garden

    • We thank Armin Stroß-Radschinski, Timo Stollenwerk, Maik Derstappen, Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland for putting together an updated Plone brochure with new information covering Plone 5.

Continued Business

  • Google Season of Docs

    • We have been selected! A news item is ready to be reviewed and published shortly. First meeting with Cris Perez is planned for Aug. 20. Victor Fernandez de Alba and Timo Stollenwerk will be technical mentors, Paul Roeland and Sven Strack will be documentation mentors, and Kim Paulissen will provide readability/newcomer on-boarding guidance.
  • Google Summer of Code update

    • Proceeding well
  • Zope integration process - update

    • No news

Review Ongoing

  • no items

Alexander moved to adjourn,  Paul seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:40 UTC