Plone Foundation Board Minutes August 1, 2019
Minute of the bi weekly meeting.
Meeting called to order at 20:03 UTC
Present: Paul, Chrissy, Carol, Alexander, Erico, Kim
Absent: Victor excused
Guest Presentation: Intern Program proposed for Plone Community
Christine presentation about proposed internships for Plone companies. Show and share with question and answer about structure of program.
Approval of the minutes of July 18, 2019
Erico moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Return Below
Incoming Correspondence
Hector request for marketing materials for Plone presentation.
- Kim and Paul to handle.
- Trademark renewals are handled.
New Business
Funding request
- Plone Admin & Infrastructure 5 day invitation-only sprint
- Paul, Erico and Kim declare interest since they will attend
- Strategic Sprint $1500 requested
- Motion by Alexander for $1500USD, Second Chrissy Approved
Membership committee recommendations
Motion to approve
Christine Baumgartner by Alexander Paul 2nd. Approved
Motion to approve
Kim Paulissen by Chrissy Erico 2nd. Approved
Motion to approve Rikupekka Oksanen by Alexander Kim 2nd. Approved.
Intern Program discussion
- See above
CMS Garden
- Need brochure needs updated 1st week of August. Alexander to ask for extension for updates to be presented using same amount of space.
Continued Business
Google Season of Docs waiting on formal announcement from Google.
- Candidate for the project has been secured.
GSoC update
- Projects are going well. Students work is outstanding.
Zope integration process - update
- Moving along
Review Ongoing
- Prep renewal cycle - Carol, Paul and Chrissy to meet next week
- Call for Conference Proposals - Erico to set up timeline
Call for nominations for Board of Directors
- Schedule open meeting for interested people Sept 26
- German Zope site discussion continues - Alexander following up
Alexander moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:42 UTC